(We will send you if there is available)

"Cassie's Guide and Text Book" 1984, 48pp. Two-hundred of these books were printed up, as a
tribute to the foundation: "Save Cassie's Friends" (Cassie Hansen was murdered in 1981 at the age of six-years
old, in St. Paul, Minnesota). A picture of Cassie is in the book with a feature story, along with illustrations by the author.
The books went out to Minnesota schools, a few were signed by the author, a very rare book by Dennis L. Siluk, which was his
third published book.

"The Tale of Willie the Humpback Whale"
After twenty-six years, out of print,"The Tale of Willie the Humpback
Whale" was translated from English into Spanish (bilingual) and was printed 1000 copies for the Mantaro Valley
of Peru on December 2008.
Después de veintiseis años "El Cuento de Willie La Ballena Jorobaba"
fue traducido del inglés al español y se imprimieron 1000 copias para el Valle del Mantaro del Perú en Diciembre del 2008.

Three kids reading "Willie..." in the Plaza de Armas, Huancayo, Peru. Nov. 2011 |

"The Tale of Willie
The Humpback Whale"
It is the story of unhappy Willie, a whale with a different kind of
tale...with three fins instead of two...causing him to sail in circles all day long. Willie wished he was just like
other whales. His parents told him that it is what is inside that is important...but all Willie wanted to do was bite
off his odd tail. This entertaining and heart-warming story that teaches a lesson, has all the necessary ingredients
needed to make a warm, charming, refreshing children's animated television movie or especial...(5000-copies were printed up
in 1982, by Thomas Printing, of Minnesota)
This book was accepted as an entry for a Pulitzer Prize
in Letters, October, 1982 (for the 1983 selection)

In the Other Door, Dennis L. Siluk's first published work, one finds a collection
of poetry that is both stirring and mystical. Here there is a sense of the expanse of time, the presence of a primeval
and archaic element, as well as visions of the near past and the present. Some of the poems are disturbing, sometimes
dizzying, as they involve the reader in a vortex of thoughts and images. This is Mr. Siluk's first book, 750-copies were printed,
to the first and only edition, 1981. Very rare, with a pink DJ.
Macabre Writings
