Award to Dr. Dennis L. Siluk in the Congress of the Peruvian Republic, "Destacados". May
27, 2016

Dr. Dennis Siluk with Miss Peru World Sofía Rivera |

Dr. Dennis Siluk and the group of people that receive and award in the Congress of Peru |

Dr.Dennis Siluk with Lic.Jose Herrera,Director of INPE and Dr.Luis Torres Garay,Dean of Lawyers... |

Dr. Dennis Siluk with Sister Marleny Rojas and Rubi after the Event |

Dr. Dennis Siluk with Rosa and Rubi, after receiving an award in the Congress of Peru |
Recital de Poesías "El Galileo"
Llevado a cabo en la Parroquia San Daniel Comboni de
Cristo Redentor - 29/03/2014 Lima
Link para ver el video:

Hno. Manuel Valera presentando al autor, Dr. Dennis L. Siluk |

Padre Marcelo Loaiza, Párroco, bendiciendo el evento. |

El poeta entregando un dibujo original sorteado en el evento |

Dibujo original sorteado entre los asistentes. |

Dibujo original sorteado entre los asistentes. |

Padre Abraham haciendo entrega del diploma al Dr. Siluk |

Diploma otorgado al autor por la Parroquia |

Alicia, el poeta, Pablo y otro invitado |

Rosa, el poeta y Anita |

Sofia, el poeta y David Jr. quien hizo el brindis |

Madre Marleny, Rosa, Lucha y el poeta |

Rosa, Dr. Dennis Siluk y Eusebia |

Jenny y el Dr. Dennis Siluk |

El Dr. Dennis Siluk con el grupo de Liturgia (Pilar, Betina, el poeta, Leonor) y Susana junto a Rosa |

El poeta con un hermano que asistió al recital |

El Poeta con Olga y su esposo |

El poeta con Rubi, quien leyó el "Poema del Sufrimiento" |

El poeta con la familia Pozo |

Dr. Dennis Siluk con don Julio Cárdenas |

El poeta con una hermana de la parroquia invitada al recital |

Dr. Dennis Siluk con un hermanito que asistió al recital |
Presentation of the Book: The People Will Not Break" (Presentación del Libro:
"La Gente No Se Quebranta" en el ICPNA - 06-Septiembre-2013)

Madre Lidia Vilcahuaman, blessing the event: Presentation of the Book by Dr. Siluk in the ICPNA |

Mr. Edgar Roman, Director of Culture of the ICPNA, Author and Rector of the University UNCP |

Lic. Nola Nuñez, author and Dr. Jesus Pomachagua, rector of the University UNCP |

David Peñaloza, Author and Minerva Peñaloza |

John Chavez, journalist newspaper El Sol and the author |

Mr. Frank Ramirez, Author and Dr. Jesus Pomachagua |

Madre Lidia Vilcahuaman, Superior of the Congregation Hijas de Santa Maria Reina and the author |

Dr. Siluk with journalist of Channel 47 (Rossana and Irma) |

Jesus Vargas, ex-mayor San Jeronimo de Tunan with author |

Dr. Siluk and Prof. Soledad Garay of Social Work UNCP |

Autor with Ms. Valeriana and daughter |

Madre Lidia, Author, and a guest |

Author and Sadith Taza de la Corp de Prensa Espec. |

Ana Cecilia Matias, Minerva Peñaloza, Maria Laura, el autor, Nancy y David Peñaloza |

Author with a guest in the Presentation of the Book The People Will Not Break in the ICPNA |

The author with Vilma, a member of the Legion of Caceres |

Rossana Alarcon, journalist Channel 47, with the author |

Dr. Siluk and Beatriz, a guest that attended the presentation of the book:The People Will Not Break |
POETRY READING "THE GALILEAN"Recital de Poesías "El Galileo"

Dr. Siluk at the Poetry Reading "The Galilean" I, Lima, Peru |

Poetry Reading The Galilean Volume I |

Poetry Reading "The Galilean" in the Church Daniel Comboni of Christ Redeemer |

Manuel Valera at the Poetry Reading "The Galilean" I |

Mother Marleny Rojas at the Poetry Reading "The Galilean" I |

Father Marcelo Loaiza and Manuel Valera at the Poetry Reading "The Galilean" I |

Poetry Reading The Galilean I (Olga, Mery and Carmencita preparing for the toast) |

Dr. Siluk signing chapbooks in the Poetry Reading "The Galilean" I |

Martha Peñaloza and Mother Lydia in the Poetry Reading "The Galilean" I |

Dayanne and Mother Lydia in the Poetry Reading |
Ceremony of Recognition to the Leaders of Leaders in Swissotel, Lima,
Peru, carried out on June 29, 2013 by the International Iberoamerican Board in Honour to the Leaders of Leaders (CIHLL).
Three first pictures was taken by the CIHLL with permission to use by the author Dr. Siluk.

Ceremony of awards to the Leaders of Leaders at the Swissiotel, Lima, Peru |

Ceremony of awards to the Leaders of Leaders at the Swissiotel, Lima, Peru |

Ceremony of awards to the Leaders of Leaders at the Swissiotel, Lima, Peru |

Mini and Rosa at Swissotel for the Ceremony of Awards to the Leaders of Leaders by the CIHLL |