Over 240,000 visitors come to this site a year, welcome, and hope
you visit my travels and book sections during your visit. My favorite books and authors, and poets. First the authors:
Mary Renault, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Hemmingway, Remarque, Neil Gaiman, Colleen McCullough, William Faulkner, F. Scott
Fitzgerald, and Mark Twain: those are on the top shelf.
The poets I like are: George Sterling, Clark A. Smith, Robert Howard
[from the macabre side of life]; Robert Bly, and Don Hall, [contemporary poets]; Emily Dickenson, Robert Frost , Edwin
Markham, and Longfellow. In additon, Carl Sandburg, Cesar Vallejo and Howard Nemerov. Some of my favorites
poems are: "The Man with the Hoe"; "The Road Not Taken", and, "The Mending Wall"; along with "Richard Cory," and
several from the Dickenson collection. Also, "A Tale of Troy", by John Masefield"; " Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem," by W.W.
Story l899; most of Sterling's poems; and the Spider and the Fly. There are many more but these just happen to come
to mind; I also like "Johnathen Livingston Segall," by Bach--and so forth.
Some of the artists I like and enjoy would be: Picasso, Dali, Warhol, Goya, and
Yang Yang. Picasso for his nightmarish style, and passion for the obscure; Dali for his stretching reality
and love of life; Goya for his lost childhood in his paintings and his demonic twists; Warhol for his simplicity and race
with life; and Yang Yang for his psycological bends. I have also enjoyed many artists work from Peru,
in particular from Lima and Huancayo; they are just not reconized world wide; one being, Max A. Urteaga Alcalde.
My music: I like Elvis, Rick Nelson, Johnny Cash, Nat King Cole, Enya, Diane Krall;
John Stevens, Slim Whitman, Enya, Bob Dylon, and more, I just can't put my finger on them now. In second place,
I would choose, Dylan, Frank Sinatra, the Beatles, the Doors and a few others.
For those interested in my books or travels, just look
above for the proper connections for the site; and have a good day; and may the Lord Bless you.

Paris III, at Cafe de Flore, having coffee and sandwich; 6/2001, Hemingway's home away from home. |

Paris III, at the bookstore "Shakespeare & Company" |

Pikes Creek by Lake Superior, Bayfield, Wisconsin, 08/05 |

Habana, Cuba: sitting on Earnest Hemingway's chair in his hotel room, at Ambos Mundos Hotel 6/02 |

Babenhausen West Germany (1976) |

Dennis at The Bodeguita del Medio in The Habana, Cuba, where Hemingway hung out - 6/2002 |
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