The Loved and the Desolate |

“The Loved and
the Desolate” a novel that takes the reader on a true adventure, with all the ingredients, one needs without imagination. From the
early 60s, in Seattle, Omaha, Minnesota, the Dakotas, and onto the Hippie times
of the 60s, in San Francisco, to Europe, and onto the war in Vietnam, in Asia, and then home again, to Fort Rucker Alabama,
where the Character of Chick Evens, meets an old friend dying of Agent Orange. (Written between 2001 and 2009); books about
a lost era (a two-hundred and twenty-five page book).
Old Josh, in Poor Black |

“Old Josh, in
Poor Black” a group of sketches, linking one to the other: the stories started off as episodes; of the 76-sketches, the author
uses around 50-to tell his saga, of a slave, during the Civil War days, while living on a plantation near Ozark, Alabama,
with his two sons, Silas and Jordon. The sketches were written between August
of 2005, and the last episode in January, of 2009. The author lived in the South
and North Carolina) during the ‘70s.
The Tor |

“The Tor,” the first book written completely in January and February of 2009, more on a Novelette, some 13,000-words. Lost
inside the underground maze of the tore, the monk becomes insane; but there is where he finds his demons and ghosts hard at
work making a deal with another being for his life…the story takes place in Glastonbury, England,
1192 AD
Days without Women |

“Days without
Women” (22-short biographical stories, being worked on since 9-2005). The stories
talk of a young boy growing up in the inner city of St. Paul, Minnesota, and
hanging around with a gang of kinds, and then it goes off into the later years, and
one sees in this pot luck collection a kind of zigzagged, down to earth, light drama of everyday life of a kinds formative
years. Simple things, from the 50s and early 60s, the name is basically a title
used because they were days without women.
Orions Orchard |

Orchard” (and other poems) A book of thirty poems, some of the poems date back to 4-2004, from there a few have be added each
year, but only the selected few of the unpublished poems, of which the author has written 2600-poems, about fifteen-hundred
unpublished, of them 30 have been
taken out for this dynamic collection.
The Black Zone Horror |

Black Zone Horror,” fifteen, suspense and macabre short stories, Volume IV; of the 300-short stories
the author has written thus far, about 25-have been put into prior books, that
dates back to the summer of 2003, to 2009…
Tales of the Port of Poseidonia |

“Tales of the Port of Poseidonia” (Atlantis) written in 2004, and updated a few times, and put on the internet
as episodes, one linking to the next, like a comic strip, with a compete ending; twenty-one sketches.
"The Tale of: Teddy and his Magical Plant " |

“The Tale of: Teddy and his Magical Plant (A Poetic Story)”
in the process of being translated
into Spanish, originally written in a chapbook form, 1982.
"The Strange Letters of Amelia from Nantucket..." |

“The Strange Letters of Amelia, from Nantucket, 1852”
(A mystery) Newest February creation:
short story (5642: words)
“The Loro Machaco
of Villa Rica” a novelette, written in 2008, after visiting the small town in Peru, the story concerning the terrorist of that country,
a suspense story: about 18,000-words.
“The Cadaverous Planets" (Mythos) a four-hundred page book science fiction book,
first of the many sketches, stories, and novelettes written 4-2004, and last one in 2007. The book takes you to new
planets, solar systems, and Galaxies, with new heroes, kings and weird warriors. The
book is so complex, it is hard to edit, and thus has not been released. Although
there are a number of themes for all the many stories, and in an odd way link to one another, through time and space, it may
remain a work in progress until the author dies.
“Cradled with the Devil †” a saga, an Episodic Novel/ Written in Titled Vignettes, that takes in New Orleans, Ozark, Alabama,
Saigon, Vietnam and Minnesota, starting from 1960 onward; written in 2008.
“Poems of an Inner City,”
Eight poems, written between
1982, and 1983, of the down town area of Minneapolis, Minnesota, when the author was a drunk walking the streets, published
originally in a Minneapolis paper of that time. Poems have never been published together, but some published in the book,
“Sirens” to be translated into Spanish from English.
Additional books of Poetry
being worked on:
Book One
Poetry of the Miners
((of Cerro de Pasco) (in Spanish
and English))
Made in Huancayo,
(In Spanish and English)
Book Two
The Book of Nostalgia
((or, “The Book of Days”)
(in Spanish and English))
Poetry on Grieving
Includes: Old Neighbourhood Poems
Book Three
“The Mohammad Papers”
(In English only)
Book Four
“Stars over Germany”
((Poetry out of West Germany from the ´70s) (in English only))
Three Dramatic Epic Poems —
Conte del Dark Ages
Sir Gawain & the Ghost of the
Green Knight
The Soldiers of Nirut”
An Ancient Tale of Gallantry
The Fifth Moon
(A mystical Adventure in the Mosel Valley,
West Germany)
Additional and New
Short Stories
To be include in
future books
Trapped by
Blue Ice
Buying Days
The Meaning of Danger
A Cross for Bridgette (of Villa Rica)
Porn Star
Clotted by a Python
A Virulent Death in Buenos Aires
John Nobel and the Mac Camp
Shooting Painted Horses
Misterious Flight Over Java
The Cadaverous Wind Spiders
Wolf Hunt in the Boundary Waters
The Black Zone Horror